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Too convenient to exploit natural resources in foreign lands, is it not?

Too convenient to exploit natural resources in foreign lands, is it not?

Mohammed Ashraf

Aerial view of river and mangrove forest in the Sarawak Mangrove Reserve. Mega diverse natural resource.

Resource depletion is one of the major issues in 21st century. Donella Meadows, a resource biologist from MIT back in 70s, predicted that unprecedented resource exploitations will lead the humanity into the verge of extinction and her prediction remain critically valid at this point of time than ever before. Her classic book ‘The Limits to Growth’ however still remain controversial not because conservation biologists failed to recognize it, but simply due to the fact, media and ill broadcasters portfolio her as a ‘pseudo’ scientist despite the fact her mathematical prediction models as depicted in the book remain critically valid at this point of time. Non renewable resources as such gas, oil, coal, ground water (in some extent) and even forestry for timber products by and large are the breeding pool for capitalistic mindsets. The transnational corporations commonly known as TNCs are in the ‘ruthless chain of command operations’ to ensure every kinds of non-renewable resources that are financially and technologically viable can be exploited, purified in the name of free trade economical development and finally marketed in the name of economical development for the rich who can afford it and the poor who can suffer the consequences of this ‘spleen-damaging’ persecution. Good example comes from Niger Delta where oil tycoons Shell Energy: an Anglo-Dutch breed of ecological ‘perpetrator’ made sure they can voraciously sucks up as much oil and gas from the Nigers in expense of social, ecological, economical and cultural degradation. Its all good for media, public relations, buffet over a nice wine and dance in London and its all good public ‘media wash’ based zillion dollars profit after all for the employees and the big wigs of the ‘eco-friendly’ company indeed. The company that wiped out virgin primary tropical mangrove forests sizable enough to cover the entire state of Delaware in USA and displaced millions of Niger people from their native lands. The green wash media and its breeding ‘source pool’ will always ensure poor nations remain poor and rich nations remain rich as long as it remains too convenient for the TNC tycoons as such Shell to exploit natural non renewable resources from culturally and linguistically diverse tropical pre-historic Gondwanaland lands of Asia, Africa and South America. Indeed it is too convenient to ruthlessly persecute and exploit every form of natural resources in tropical lands, is it not?